LUCI AGM Montpellier 24-26 April 2024: Register now!
Registrations are open for the LUCI Annual General Meeting in Montpellier
We look forward to gathering the international lighting community in Montpellier from 24-26 April 2024 for a chance to:
- Learn about Montpellier’s lighting vision through their new lighting Masterplan
- Find common solutions and international perspectives on how to tackle light pollution
- Hear updates & good practices during the Open Conference Sessions
More information about the programme coming soon. Seats are limited, register now so we can save your spot!
As a reminder, LUCI takes in charge 3 nights for 1 person per LUCI member organisation.
Share your projects and ideas during the Open Conference Sessions
LUCI cities are invited to present during the Open Conference Sessions. Let us know what you’d like to share about urban lighting in your city – a new project, an initiative or discuss a topic of your choice and get feedback from your peers! It’s your chance to take the floor:
Submit an OCS Proposal
Apply for the Cities & Lighting Awards
The LUCI Cities & Lighting Awards celebrate cities that have realised urban lighting projects that aim to improve sustainability and quality of life of citizens, in the spirit of the LUCI Declaration for the Future of Urban Lighting.
The jury will meet in Montpellier to decide on the winners of the 2nd edition. There’s still time to submit your entries!
Apply Now