What does it bring to your city?
LUCI is the meeting place for cities on urban lighting: we provide cities with a global network of city decision makers, lighting professionals and experts.
Members are invited to our events all year round to share good practice, know-how and experience. That’s invaluable collective intelligence to boost your local urban lighting strategies.
LUCI helps cities progress towards a more sustainable use of light in urban spaces. Members have access to working groups and cooperation projects where we go deeper and explore the various facets and potentials of light.
Multi-disciplinary research and capacity-building projects are designed to benefit the entire network.
LUCI is the voice of cities on urban lighting. Members work together to formulate advice and recommendations, advocating for sustainable and innovative urban lighting.
Collectively, we can recognise and influence the development of better urban lighting policies both locally and globally. Let our voices be heard!
What our members have to say
Through LUCI, we share experience and practices on the quality of light in urban public spaces. It’s a network that brings together people passionate about urban lighting. Lighting is not just about road safety or technical regulations; it’s about how people perceive and experience the city at night. As a municipality, and thanks to our work with LUCI, we now recognize the need for customization in public space lighting.
City of Amsterdam
LUCI Member since 2013
Since joining the LUCI network, we have implemented a lighting master plan with environmental, social, urban, and technical aspects, transitioning our infrastructure to LED. This has improved our urban landscape at night, enhanced social cohesion, mitigated environmental impact, and optimized electrical savings and management. These efforts align with the LUCI Charter, the LUCI Declaration, and the benefits of smart lighting infrastructure.
City of Medellín
LUCI Member since 2008
Urban lighting, once seen as just a night view, now plays a crucial role in making cities safer and enhancing citizens’ quality of life. Together with LUCI, we strive to position Seoul as a leading hub city in Asia, elevating its status and creating a more liveable environment through innovative urban lighting.
Seoul Metropolitan Government
LUCI Member since 2007
Glasgow City Council values its long-standing membership in LUCI as one of its founding members. The network’s knowledge and experience have been invaluable, promoting a sustainable and holistic approach to urban lighting design that prioritises the citizen’s nighttime experience. LUCI has united people across disciplines, enabling us to create innovative, sustainable cities that are great places to live, work, and play.
Glasgow City Council
LUCI Member since 2002
Core membership benefits
- Be invited to all LUCI events
- Host a LUCI event in your city
- Receive all our publications
- Take your seat in the LUCI Hub
- Share your sustainable lighting projects
- Take part in our Working Groups, suggest and lead a working group
- Take part in cooperation projects, suggest new Cooperation Projects
- Adopt & share the LUCI Declaration in your city
- Take part in LUCI governance at the General Assembly
- Be elected as part of the Executive Committee
How to become a member?
For cities, towns, regions, local authorities:
- Fill in a membership form signed by the competent authority in your city.
- Membership fees are determined on a scale according to the number of inhabitants, and the countries GNI.
- Contact us to finalise your membership!
For companies, institutions, big or small:
- Fill in a membership form signed by the competent authority in your company/institution.
- Membership fees are determined on a scale according to the number of employees in the company.
- Contact us to finalise your membership!
Photo credits
©Jiri Halttunen_Workshop_LUCI AGM Jyväskylä ; ©Seoul Metropolitan Government, LUCI Asia Urban Lighting Workshop; ©LAiPS_Gianluca Platania_City of Turin