LUCI Declaration for the future of urban lighting
Drafted and reviewed by LUCI members, during co-creation sessions and gatherings held throughout the 20th anniversary year of the network, the Declaration lays down a collective vision for the future of urban lighting.
It aims to help cities in the next 3, 5 or 10 years, to navigate a complex policy background in the rapidly evolving field of urban lighting.
After LUCI members have adopted the Declaration at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 2nd March 2023 in Jyväskylä, LUCI Association chooses to publicly release the 24-pages document on the occasion of the International Day of Light, May 16th, 2023.
About the Declaration
Lighting is an essential tool for mobility, economy, culture and social cohesion of cities, which has led to the development of urban lighting strategies and projects and events around light. But in a context of climate and energy crisis, increased awareness of light pollution and the effects of light on biodiversity and human health, it is now necessary to consider light as a precious public good, to be used with care, at the right time and at the right level.
The challenge is to promote an inclusive public space accessible to all citizens after dark, to improve the safety and comfort of public spaces, to strengthen local identity and economic development, while minimising the environmental and ecological footprint of light.
With this in mind, the LUCI network sets out 7 major objectives in its Declaration.
Photo credits
©Jiri Halttunen; ©Rami Saarikorpi; ©LUCI Association