LUCI projects, moving together towards a more sustainable use of light

Working Together for the Future of Urban Lighting

LUCI is the voice of cities on urban lighting. We work on a daily basis to support cities in improving their urban lighting strategies, and advocate for the increased recognition of urban lighting as a tool to enable sustainable development at a local and global level.

Core documents, written collaboratively with our network, and recognised at the international level, have enabled LUCI to express positions, values and principles that underpin our work.

Health & wellbeing


Health and Wellbeing (HULAB)


Public spaces


Light Pollution


Social cohesion

Placemaking with People and Light


Art & culture

ART CULTURE -Light Festival

Light Festival



Societal Added-Value of Smart Urban Lighting

Small & Mid-Sized Cities (SMSC)


A Resource Centre on Urban Lighting

As the worldwide resource centre for urban lighting, we capitalise on and leverage the knowledge and experiences from cities and lighting professionals within our network and the broader urban lighting ecosystem.


We regularly edit and publish materials addressing key issues in urban lighting today, showcasing latest developments and best practices.

LUCI's publications

The LUCI Hub

The LUCI Hub is where our members share in depth and build collective intelligence about urban lighting.

The LUCI hub is an online knowledge sharing platform

LUCI News & Blog

Learn about city activities worldwide linked to urban lighting & lighting design, be informed of upcoming light festivals and catch up on LUCI activities and projects.

Members cities
Associated members

Join the LUCI Network !

Contribute to promote latest news, research and projects in urban lighting from your city