15th of September is the anniversary of the LUCI Charter on Urban Lighting!
Since 2010, cities worldwide have committed to the LUCI Charter on Urban Lighting – a common vision that aims to bring cities together around key principles in sustainable lighting. The Charter provides a policy framework within which cities can develop their own lighting strategies. It serves as a reference point on energy efficiency, improvement of the quality of life, maintenance, recycling, light pollution, the cultural and social dimensions of lighting.
In 2021, we added smart lighting to this list with “A cities’ guide to smart lighting”, a white paper that was developed from cities for cities. The publication approaches smart lighting from two different angles – the social/societal and the technical/technological – and helps cities develop a richer vision of these issues and apprehend the full scope of their role and responsibilities in the domain.
In 2022, at the occasion of LUCI 20 years, and following an intense co-creation initiative with members from all over the world, the network is preparing a “Declaration on the Future of Urban Lighting”. The Declaration will complement the LUCI Charter and outline ways in which cities can respond to the current context, minimize negative effects and maximize the positive impact that urban lighting can bring.