First session of the HULAB Lighting Masterplan series 2024
LUCI’s main responsibility in ENLIGHTENme is to lead the Health and Urban Lighting Advisory Board (HULAB). Fifteen cities have joined this board.
HULAB kicked of 2024 with the first session of the HULAB Lighting Masterplan series. The Lighting Masterplan is a common topic that carries interest for most cities. Many cities have some form of strategic document on how they build their urban lighting policies:
What does it include, what not? What stakeholders are involved? What processes and impacts does it generate on the ground? How do we ensure lighting masterplans take into account aspects of health and wellbeing?
Our special guests for this session were Damien Guiraudie from City of Montpellier and Clarisse Tavin, City of London and Chair of HULAB – who presented their lighting masterplans. Great examples of recent and high-quality strategies and valuable insights for the ENLIGHTENme project.
The importance of lighting on citizen’s health & wellbeing (ENLIGHTENme video)
More information on the project website:
The ENLIGHTENme project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 945238.