Who we are

LUCI is the international network of cities on urban lighting.

Since 2002, LUCI brings together local authorities worldwide that sustainably use light as a tool for social, cultural and economic development.

Cities are joined by associated members from the urban lighting ecosystem including the lighting industry, design agencies, light artists and light festival organisers, research institutes and more.

Connecting cities with light

Lighting is an essential asset for our cities at night to remain inclusive and accessible, safe and attractive. It’s also a precious public good to be used with care at the right time and at the right level.

As cities face climate change and other major challenges, including new patterns of work, leisure and mobility propelled by growing urbanisation and evolving technologies, the uses of public space are altered, especially at night.

Together in LUCI, through events, knowledge exchange, cooperation, and advocacy, we have an unprecedented opportunity to better light our cities and improve the quality of life at night.

LUCI in numbers

Close to 70 cities representing over 100 million inhabitants and over 50 associated members and partners from 40 countries

+20 years in the urban lighting industry  I +80 collaborative events organised  I +15 thematic publications

meet luci


LUCI is a meeting place

Our conferences, workshops, field-visits and other events are designed to bring together urban lighting decision makers and experts to network, exchange experience and share information.

Learn luci


LUCI is where we learn from each other

Our events, working groups and publications are based on peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange. By highlighting innovative projects and good practices, we inspire our members and help them develop better urban lighting projects.

act luci


LUCI is where we build cooperation

By developing cooperation projects and initiatives with our members, we experience new facets and potentials of urban lighting, together. This helps cities progress towards a more sustainable use of light and citizen-focused urban spaces.

speak luci


LUCI is the voice of cities on urban lighting

By creating platforms for our members to express their views, and by putting forward these views through international advocacy documents such as the LUCI Declaration for the Future of Urban Lighting, we collectively influence urban lighting strategies at the local and global levels.

LUCI Governance

LUCI is governed by an Executive Committee (EC), elected by the General Assembly. The EC is composed of nine city members (voting) and also includes three representatives from amongst the supporting associated members (non-voting).

The EC defines the association’s policy orientations, discusses development, pilots and reviews the network’s activities. The EC draws up the draft budget and the Association’s accounts, sets the annual subscription fees, and validates memberships.

Executive Committee Board



represented by: Ms Fatiha El Moudni, Mayor of Rabat

1st Vice-President

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

represented by: Bruno Paternot, Vice-President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

Vice-President for Asia

Seoul Metropolitan Government

represented by: Je-Hyun Han, Vice-Mayor II for Administrative Affairs of Seoul Metropolitan Government


Glasgow City Council

represented by: Imran Alam, Councillor of Glasgow

Associated members representatives (non-voting)

Our Ecosystem

LUCI Regional Offices

LUCI Regional Offices support the regional development of the network and aim to reflect the variety of lighting culture and identities in the global conversation on urban lighting.

LUCI Regional Office for Asia (LROA), launched in 2017, is a representative office of LUCI in Asia which promotes and delivers activities on behalf of LUCI. LROA is managed by a Technical Coordinator, employed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

LUCI Partners

LUCI Partners help spread the word further, in terms of better urban lighting for sustainability and quality of life. LUCI works in partnerships with a wide range of non-for-profit organisations and institutions around the world.

LUCI Partner-ACE

Association des Concepteurs lumière et Eclairagistes

(Lighting designers and engineers’ association), France


Cluster de la Iluminación de Cataluña

(Catalonia’s lighting cluster), Spain

LUCI Partner-DarkSky

DarkSky International

Headquartered in Tucson, USA

LUCI Ambassadors

LUCI Ambassadors are individuals who actively support LUCI, voluntarily help the association to grow and create meaningful links with cities and companies in their respective countries.

Baik Young Ho

> Baik Yuong Ho, South Korea

> Baik Yuong Ho has 25 years’ experience in global lighting industry. He has a long track-record of marketing & strategy and is very well connected into the South Korean & international lighting industry, municipalities, academy and related IT industry and is regarded as one of the most knowledge people on lighting in Asia Pacific.
Leni Schwendinger

> Leni Schwendinger, USA

> Leni Schwendinger is a published, award-winning authority on the many issues of city lighting with more than 20 years of experience creating worldwide illuminated environments.
This work is shared through Leni’s public speaking and envisioning engagements and her projects focus on infrastructure and public art.
Ding Qinhua

> Ding Qinhua, China

> Ding Qinhua is the former Vice Director of the Shanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau. He has extensive experience in urban ecology and landscape management.
Recently, he has focused on urban lighting, establishing himself as a leading expert in the field in China.

LUCI Honorary Members

LUCI Honorary members are individuals who have provided significant assistance in their carreer to our Association. They can take part in our General Assembly in an advisory capacity.

> Jean-Michel Daclin, Former Deputy Mayor of Lyon, Founder of LUCI, LUCI President from 2002 to 2010. LUCI Honorary President

> Mary-Ann Schreurs, Councillor, Former Vice Mayor of Eindhoven, LUCI President from 2016 to 2018

> Philip De Roo, Former Coordinator Ghent Lighting Strategy

> Cathy Johnston, Former Group Manager, Development and Regeneration services, Glasgow City Council

> Ingemar Johansson, Former Head of Public Lighting, City of Gothenburg

> Willem Reedijk, Former Senior Advisor Public works, City of Rotterdam

Learn more about LUCI’s events, projects, publications and other activities

Photo credits
©LUCI Association