
Health and Urban Lighting Advisory Board (HULAB)


Within the ENLIGHTENme project, LUCI brings together 15 cities to constitute the Health and Urban Lighting Advisory Board (HULAB) to advise on innovative and sustainable principles for connecting lighting policy and implementation with citizen health and wellbeing. The HULAB shares cities’ needs and expertise on urban lighting aspects linked to health and wellbeing.

The group will also contribute to the latest research and innovation in urban lighting related to health and wellbeing in cities.


The objective is to gather and share existing practices, initiatives, and experience within cities. We would like to spark international discussion within LUCI members on the importance of health and wellbeing issues and build upon this expertise to develop our common knowledge.

LUCI member cities involved

The City of Albertslund (DK) is the co-leader of this pillar. LUCI member cities involved are Amsterdam (NL), Glasgow, City of London Corporation (UK), Leipzig (DE), Oulu (FI), Seoul (KR), Stavanger (NO), and Tallin (EE).

>> Cities part of the HULAB can find related content & material in the HULAB Space within the LUCI Hub.

The ENLIGHTENme project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 945238.

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