1st Place: Lighting for Genoa – City of Genoa
City: Genova
Country: Italy
Population: 566.410
Project coordinator: Stefania Toro, lighting designer
Lighting design: 13 lighting designers belonging to the Women in Lighting Italy network
Contracting authority: Municipality of Genoa
Installation & maintenance: City Green Light Srl
Light source: LED + mapping techniques in some situations
Date launched: 2021
Inauguration date: from December 2021 to December 2023, depending on the location
Total amount: 696.130,53 EUR
- pilot site: 69.860,00 EUR
- project design: 111.352,76 EUR
- project implementation: 514.917,77 EU
Lighting for Genoa is a project that has revitalized 10 “non-places” in the historic centre of the city through the skilful use of light, designed to create gathering spaces and make this particular urban area accessible, overcoming issues related to the type of usage, safety, and accessibility.
The project worked with light to create a new sense of security for the people who inhabit it, with a particular focus on women, children, the elderly, minorities, and vulnerable groups.
The 10 permanent lighting installations were conceived in collaboration with local associations and residents who live and animate the areas where the project was implemented.
Lighting for Genoa can be described as a collaborative project that has succeeded in transforming public spaces, squares, and streets into attractive and safe places even during nighttime.
“A compelling example of a locally grounded project that demonstrates real care from people to make their environment better and safer using art and lighting. It proves that through a creative approach of lighting, we can support social interaction and sense of belonging, and reconnect spaces with their community.” – Clarisse Tavin, City of London – Jury member
“This project has opened up previously neglected and unused places to the people, encouraging night-time social engagement and interaction.” – Andrew Rogers, City of London – Jury member
“This project shows a series of very fine interventions, people oriented and valuing dynamics of participation. It’s very poetic.” – Isabelle Corten, Lighting designer – Jury member
2nd Place: Hamngatan and MDU plaza – City of Eskilstuna
City: Eskilstuna
Country: Sweden
Population: 107.806
Project coordinator: Malin Christensson, Eskilstuna municipality, City Planning Direction, Projects Department, and Daniel Tucic, Project Manager, Eskilstuna municipality
Lighting design: Chiara Carucci, Chiara Carucci Lighting Design
Contracting authority: Municipality of Eskilstuna; Installation: Per-Erik Andersson, Construction Manager, Torgny Stenberg, Eskilstuna Energi och Miljö
Maintenance: Eskilstuna municipality, Stadsbyggnadsförvaltningen with Vattenfall AB
Light source: LED + Zhaga
Date launched: 2019
Inauguration date: October 2022
Total renovation works and construction of the plaza: 3.374.054 EUR
- project implementation lighting: 459.399 EUR (including electrical installation 374.517 EUR)
Located at the edge of the city, the skyglow from this area, prior to this project, affected the natural surroundings since light close to water can reach far. Two traffic lanes dissected the area that accommodated the new university and a large parking lot.
The space underwent a transformation into a dynamic plaza, seamlessly integrating urban amenities with natural beauty.
The close collaboration of the design team resulted in innovative catenary lighting at pedestrian crossings and the seamless integration of lighting into landscape design features.
The project fosters connectivity and safety, and it prioritizes an ecological approach with measures like full cut-off fixtures and minimal, warm lighting.
Overall, this collaborative effort promotes both social and environmental sustainability.
“A transformative project for this part of the city, which animates the space during day and night-time thanks to a playful system of frames and structures – very refreshing!” – Clarisse Tavin, City of London, Jury member
“The daytime and night-time spatial composition is remarkable, creating a succession of complementary volumes with varied, calming atmospheres. Resolving the scale of the site seemed a complex challenge, but here it has been brilliantly met.” – Nicolas Houel, Observatoire de la Nuit, Jury member
3rd Place: New Light for the Arcades, Gates, and Historic Center of Bologna – City of Bologna
City: Bologna
Country: Italy
Population: 389.850
Project coordinator: Engineer Simone Stella
Lighting design: I-DEA srl (Architect Lorenza Golinelli, Engineer Alberto Ricci Petitoni)
Contracting authority: Municipality of Bologna
Maintenance: Municipality of Bologna
Number of light points: Replacing 3.500 and adding 680 new light points
Light source: LED, 2700°K or 3000°K, + remote control system
Inauguration date: December 2023
Total amount: 3.017.900,00 EUR
The project focuses on the revitalization of urban and monumental lighting in the heart of Bologna, encompassing 16 km of arcades, 10 gates, 2 main squares, and 40 other monumental sites.
More than 3,500 lighting fixtures were replaced, and 680 new lighting points were installed.
The intervention highlights the uniqueness of the UNESCO-protected ensemble of arcades which cover a total stretch of 62 km, reflecting urban and social functions and creating a sheltered landscape to walk day and night.
The cornerstone of the design process was a thorough analysis of the context, history, and lived experience of each site.
This extensive process was crucial for developing a design that is both attentive and respectful to the historical and cultural context.
The arcades involved were meticulously examined, categorizing them based on their history, morphology, architecture, function, and urban role to determine the best design solution for each segment.
“A very elegant project, revealing itself through a subtle, innovative, and high-quality design, which celebrates the beauty of the existing architecture.” – Clarisse Tavin, City of London, Jury member
“Reusing old lanterns and revitalising them is very appreciated!” – Abderrahmane Mejdoubi – City of Rabat, Jury member.
“A classic project, but very subtle both in terms of its lighting and the technological ingenuity of the devices used. Intelligent!” – Isabelle Corten, Lighting designer, Jury member
Specials Mentions
The special mentions of the 2024 edition go to the City of Lausanne and the Municipality of Jette!
Both projects are rather small interventions but are nevertheless important examples on how lighting can be supportive in making safe and accessible public spaces, whilst supporting environmental issues.
A small-scale intervention, done with lots of care, which allows for a big impact, allowing people to reclaim ownership of this covered alleyway and walk the city. A beautiful lighting design.
An effective and hands-on project that studies to understand how different lighting solutions impact the biodiversity and how they are experienced. An essential documentary.
Photo credits
©Silvia Badalotti – City of Genoa; ©Erik Hagstrom – City of Eskilstuna; ©Oscar Ferrari – City of Bologna; ©NERI SPA – City of Bologna; ©Municipality of Jette; ©Lumière Electrique, Léonie Bontronc, City of Lausanne