Lyon Light Festival Forum 2021
08 – 10 December 2021
Lyon Light Festival Forum 2021
The 2021 edition of LLFF is planned as an in-person event in Lyon where all precautions will be taken to ensure a safe and enjoyable gathering considering the continuing Covid context. In-person participants will be required to show a valid Covid Vaccine/Recovery certificate to access the venue.
Wesnesday 08 December 2021
20:00 – 23:00: Visit of the Fête des Lumière
Join international peers for a tour through Lyon to discover
some of the light installations of this year’s festival.
Thursday 09 December 2021
?Les SUBS (Les Subsistances, 8 bis Quai Saint-Vincent, Lyon)
Conference sessions will take place in La Boulangerie room
Participation of children and youth in the lighting policies of cities
This year’s Lyon Light Festival Forum will explore how cities are involving children and young people in designing and establishing better lighting policies for public spaces. The LLFF will include two panel discussions on the topic, one with a focus on permanent urban lighting and how children are included in participatory lighting projects and the second panel will showcase examples of cities involving children and youth participants in light festivals.
10:00 – 10:30: Coffee and Registration
10:30 – 10:45: Opening of the LLFF2021
- Tristan Debray, Municipal Councillor in charge of “the City of Children”, City of Lyon (France)
- Meri Lumela, LUCI President, Deputy Chair of the city council of Jyväskylä (Finland)
A few words from LLFF partners:
- Jaap Schuuring, Head of Customer Learning, Signify
- Stéphane Malfettes, Director, Les Subs
10:45 – 11:30: Keynote – Cities for Children, Light for Children by Francesco Tonucci & Massimo Seri, Mayor, City of Fano (Italy)
A city fit for children is good for everyone: it reconnects social ties and reactivates cultural contexts, it is a welcoming and inclusive city and attentive to all social and age groups. These contributions will explore the concept of the child friendly city with the inspiring international project “Città dei Bambini” (“City of Children”), initiated in Fano (Italy) at the start of the 90’s.
11:30 – 12:30: Session 1: Lighting with future generations: youth participation in urban lighting
Urban lighting should be accessible to all, regardless of social condition and age. With this in mind, one of the challenges for cities is to effectively involve children, young people and their families in everyday urban lighting. This often requires to carefully develop playful, creative and participatory approaches with a special focus on how children can use and enjoy public spaces after dark. This session will involve speakers from London, Gothenburg and Lyon who will share their perspective based on experience and examples of how to involve young people in creative and sustainable urban lighting.
- Elettra Bordonaro, Lars Ocklund & Thierry Marsick
- Moderated by Mark Burton-Page
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:00: Session 2: Involving youth and families in moments of awe through light in public space
This session will explore how cities involve and include children and families when organising temporary light events, from light festivals to major projects for animating public space. Speakers from Montreal, Jyväskylä, Turin and Lyon will present examples of initiatives that involve school children in educational workshops on the topic of creative lighting in preparation for and during light festivals as well as examples of strategies for animating public space with children and families specifically in mind.
- Guillaume Aniorté, Elisa Hillgen, Matteo Scainelli & Marion Traversi
- Moderated by Jessica Ferey
15:00 – 16:00: Creative Lighting Pecha Kucha Presentations Session A
These sessions of “Pecha Kucha”- style speed presentations will be an opportunity for peer-to-peer sharing and exchange in the field of creative lighting. Hear from light festival organisers, artists, and designers about creative lighting projects.
- Noor Riyadh – Transforming a City into a Gallery without Walls by Maya AlAthel
- Le lapin dans la lune (the Rabbit in the Moon) by Renato González
- Farnesina Digital Art Experience by Claudio Caciolli & Stefano Fake
- Plays Around ORGANuGAMME by Raphaël Girouard
16:00 – 16:30: Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30: Creative Lighting Pecha Kucha Presentations Session B
- Letting the lights out; creating a festival for, by and with the people of Ghent by Kaat Heirbrant
- My First Light by BIBI
- The City Makes Glow by Tom Weerts
17:45 – 18:00: LIT Award ‘Spotlight’ Prize Presentation
LUCI has just been awarded the 2021 LIT Award “Spotlight” prize for its major contribution to the international lighting community.
- Sylvain Godinot & Astrid Hebert
18:00 – 23:00: Cocktail reception
Following the cocktail: Visit of of the Fête des Lumières installations at Les SUBS and beyond.
Friday 10 December 2021
10:00 – 10:30: Coffee and Registration
10:30 – 11:15: Carte Blanche for the City of Madrid: LuzMadrid, bringing a light festival to life
The City of Madrid, new members of LUCI, will present about LuzMadrid, a new light festival launched in October 2021. The organisers will explain the challenges and opportunities of putting together a light festival in the capital city of Spain.
- Luis Lafuente Batanero & Delia Picirilli
11:15 – 12:15: Behind the Scenes of Lyon’s Fête des Lumières
Team members of the Department of Events and Animation in charge of the Fête des Lumières will share their experience and give a behind-the-scenes look at the event. This presentation is followed by an open Q&A moment with participants.
- Marion Traversi, Project Manager, Fête des Lumières, City of Lyon (France)
- Romain Tamayo, Project Manager, Fête des Lumières, City of Lyon (France)
- Julien Pavillard, Director, Fête des Lumières, City of Lyon (France)
Photo credits:
© Muriel Chaulet