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Presentation description:
Meeting the City of Bologna, 3rd Prize Winner of the LUCI Cities & Lighting Awards 2024

This presentation explores the preservation of cultural heritage and the enhancement of Bologna’s historic city centre. It will detail the city’s collaborative management process, addressing the challenges encountered and the impacts on various aspects of urban development.
The award-winning project focuses on the revitalization of urban and monumental lighting in the heart of Bologna. This includes 16 km of arcades, 10 gates, 2 main squares, and 40 other monumental sites. Over 3,500 lighting fixtures were replaced, and 680 new lighting points were installed.
The intervention celebrates the distinctiveness of Bologna’s UNESCO-protected arcades, which span a total of 62 km. These arcades serve both urban and social functions, providing a unique, sheltered environment for walking by day or night.
Central to the design process was a comprehensive study of each site’s context, history, and daily use.This in-depth analysis ensured the final design was sensitive to the historical and cultural significance of the sites.
The arcades were carefully assessed and categorized based on their history, architectural features, morphology, function, and urban role. This approach enabled the development of tailored lighting solutions for each segment, ensuring the project respected and enhanced Bologna’s rich heritage.

Speaker: Francesco Mattia Rubini, Head of Public Lighting and Traffic Lights Operational Unit, City of Bologna


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