LUCI Annual General Meeting
Seoul – Open Conference Sessions
From master planning to festivals, through to smart lighting and innovative technologies, all topics related to outdoor lighting will be addressed in the Open Conference sessions. An opportunity for participants to exchange viewpoints on urban lighting trends with cities from around the world.
Download the Open Conference programme here or see more details on the presentations below:
Street lighting via a radio frequency network
by Patrick DUGUET, Head of Public Lighting, City of Paris, France and Denis PERROT, Head of Expertise and Innovations, EVESA
This presentation will address the deployment of an RF network dedicated to the needs of remote commands, monitoring and gathering data of and from streetlight and traffic light assets. How will the City of Paris and its lighting service provider use this network to improve their operating tasks? Which IoT and M2M opportunities can we target for a more efficient city?
Street lighting and smart city initiatives in Los Angeles
by Ed EBRAHIMIAN, General Manager & Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, City of Los Angeles, USA
Mr. EBRAHIMIAN will present the overview of street lighting in the City of Los Angeles including its modern and decorative LED conversion programs. His presentation will include the deployment of controls, information beacons and smart city initiatives, and address how in recent years, streetlights have become desirable for deployment of new technologies and various cutting-edge and revenue-generating applications.
Looking back, thinking forward: insights, highlights and hindsight
by Cathy JOHNSTON, Group Manager, Development and Regeneration Services, Glasgow City Council, UK & Tom TURLEY, Assistant Director, Development and Regeneration Services, Glasgow City Council, UK
Glasgow hosted the LUCI City under the Microscope in November 2015. It focussed on the transformation of the city, but also reflected on the learning from the LUCI Association. Find out why this was a different approach to sharing knowledge and experience within the LUCI network. What did we learn from the experience and what did others think too? Did it demonstrate the way in which thinking about light influences what is done in Glasgow? Come and see the highlights and gather some hints and tips for organising a LUCI event in your city!
Shining Ratnanagar
by Kashi Ram GAIRE, Chief Executive Officer, Ratnanagar Municipality, Nepal
This presentation will describe the public lighting system of the Nepalese town of Ratnanaga
Osaka City of Light Strategy
by Fumiaki ISHIDA, Executive Director, Osaka “City of light” Promotion Committee, Japan
The Osaka “City of light” Promotion Committee consists of local governments, private companies and academia. These stakeholders cooperate with each other to improve urban lighting in Osaka, working towards the main objective of creating a new lighting plan, named “Grand Design of Light – 2020” for the year 2020. This presentation will introduce Osaka’s “Grand Design of Light – 2020”,as well as its seasonal illumination projects, which aim to create a comfortable and attractive Osaka cityscape for citizens and tourists alike.
How to create a cohesive city nightscape
by Annukka LARSEN, Lighting Designer, City of Jyväskylä, Finland
The night-time environment of a city consists of public and private lighting – street and park lights, facade and yard lighting, advertising, etc. What are the ways to coordinate the lighting so that it creates a coherent entity and city nightscape? The City of Jyväskylä has had a lighting coordinator working on this for the last ten years. This presentation will introduce Jyväskylä’s methods and results, following which participants will be invited to give feedback and also discuss their own city’s practices.
Smart cities seen through the eyes of citizens, businesses and opinion leaders from cities around the world
by Jaap VAN DER LINDEN, Category Manager Urban Lighting, Philips Lighting
We will present the findings from a unique global research program on the theme of Future Cities, Smart Cities & connected lighting infrastructure that the Economist Intelligence Unit has conducted in cooperation with Philips. This research examines to what extent digital technologies (such as mobile devices, sensors, apps, websites, and social media) are changing the way citizens engage and participate in their urban communities and environments. The link with urban lighting will be made through two inspiring case studies: the first on city centre revitalization and the second on optimized operations.
What architectural standards for connected lighting solutions will fill the needs?
by Koen PUTTEMAN, Head of Technology & Asset Management Public Lighting, Eandis
The introduction of LED technology gives an additional challenge in terms of management due to the large amount of products, variants and versions. Innovative setting and feedback mechanisms will be required. The increased demand for dynamic control of lighting to gain extra energy-savings will require innovative control mechanisms. This presentation will propose how connected lighting solutions will fill in those needs and what architectural standards should be implemented to even go beyond lighting.
Theory and practice of illuminating statues and public art
by Olli MARKKANEN, Office Manager, Public Works Department, City of Helsinki, Finland and Pia RANTANEN, Architect, City of Helsinki, Finland
The City of Helsinki has worked on many aspects of its city lighting during the past years. One of these is a policy on how to illuminate statues and public art. By observing, analyzing and utilizing new LED technology, the City of Helsinki has created a fluent process, a handbook and action plan for this. Every year about 30 to 40 statues will be illuminated. The impact of these newly illuminated statues on the cityscape and on inhabitants is significant, as they have helped strengthen the identity of places, increased the feeling of safety, and last but not least, enhanced the visibility and value of public art.
Light and Art in Amsterdam
by Paco BUNNIK, Urban Designer, City of Amsterdam
A presentation on how Amsterdam works with light and art in the city, followed by a discussion on key questions related to this topic.
Smart lighting for a safe atmosphere in a playground
by Piia RANTALA-KORHONEN, Director, City of Oulu, Finland
Hupisaaret is a historical park right next to the heart of the City of Oulu. The large park consists of numerous small islets of the river Oulu delta. The new lighting system for the park designed by architect and lighting designer Henrika Pihlajaniemi, was implemented by Valopää. The smart lighting system includes a wireless control system as well as motion detectors, which offer a wide range of tools for controlling the lighting. The City of Oulu, which was responsible for the renovation, will present the project process and choices.
Dealing with defects in lighting equipment
by Ingemar JOHANSSON, Urban Transport Administration, City of Gothenburg, Sweden
How does the City of Gothenburg handle its public lighting contract and service providers when defects in material occur and the municipality’s desired objectives and results are not achieved? This presentation will explain how the municipality deals with failures in street lighting equipment, such as fluorescent lamps, electronic ballasts and tele-management systems.
Strategic plans of LED light industry
by Kyuchul BANG, Deputy Director, Electronics and Electrical Division, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Prevention of light nuisance and good light management
by Namkyoung HWANG, Deputy Director, Office of Environmental Health, Ministry of Environment
Issues and prospect of smart city
by Daeyeon CHO, Executive Director, Board of Smart City, Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement
IoT and urban lighting design
by Kangwha CHUNG, Professor of College of Art & Design, Konkuk University
Seoul’s unique identity on urban lighting
by Jihye PAIK, Vice-President, Korea Society of Lighting and Visual Environment
Cluster Lumière: the French network of lighting solutions
by Sophie CACLIN, Urban Lighting Consultant