LUCI Annual General Meeting

Open Conference Sessions

The LUCI Open Conference Sessions give LUCI members the opportunity to showcase their city’s lighting strategy, projects and other initiatives, or discuss a topic of their choice, in a unique international forum. Organised in parallel tracks, each presentation session lasts 15 minutes followed by a Q&A with participants.

During the AGM Montpellier, the Open Conference Sessions will take place on Friday 26 April, in the afternoon.


The Open Conference Sessions have been an important part of the programme for the AGM 2022 in BusanAGM 2021 in TartuAGM 2019 in ShanghaiAGM 2018 in Rabat and AGM 2017 in Durham.

Track 1

Salle du Conseil

Solar Street Lighting in the City of Los Angeles

by Fabian E. Cheng, Assistant Director and Chief Engineer, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Lighting

The City of Los Angeles is exploring solar battery enabled LED street lighting projects. Incorporating solar power technology will enable the City to strategically deploy projects that will enhance the City’s goals centered around livability, sustainability, and resiliency.

The Partnerships of Safe and Sustainable Darkness

by Henrika Pihlajaniemi, Associate Professor, University of Oulu

Today’s technologies provide many opportunities for measuring and regulating lighting, but it is also important to increase understanding of how people experience and value different lighting conditions in urban space. Then the amount of light can be reduced and still maintain a positive and safe experience of the environment. The presentation showcases two European Regional Development Fund projects where the University of Oulu has collaborated with the City of Oulu to research and develop ways to create good and safe experiences of darkness in various urban environments, supporting the well-being of people and nature. In the projects, evaluated models of co-design, implementation and partnerships of urban lighting and urban darkness are created. The projects study methods to evaluate plans and dark-time urban environments from the perspectives of environmental quality, users’ experiences, and sustainability. The multidisciplinary composition of the research group brings perspectives and methods from architecture, lighting design, art, humanities, as well as industrial engineering and management into the implementation of the research.

Connected Solar Lighting : a reliable response to the sustainable development, savings and aesthetics challenges of our times

by Edouard Warnier, Global Solar Lighting Business Manager, Schréder

Solar lighting can be the reliable answer to the main concerns of cities regarding energy bills, the beauty of public spaces, and reaching their sustainable development targets. Solar lighting also comes with intelligence, allowing cities to become smarter, with solar poles sending a strong signal from elected officials to citizens.

Environmental and social management in EPM’s public lighting and Christmas lighting projects

by Sandra Isabel Gómez Gómez, Environmental and Social Professional in the Lighting Unit, EPM

Initiatives, activities, environmental, and social measures carried out in all public lighting and Christmas lighting projects of the EPM Lighting Unit, aimed at preventing, mitigating, controlling, and minimizing potential environmental and social impacts generated by the execution of technical and construction activities.

Track 2

Room PMF in HDV (next to Salle du Conseil)

The feeling of safety in urban spaces – Children’s and young people’s perspective

by Marjut Kauppinen, Head of Public Lighting, City of Helsinki

The impact of urban lighting is significant on us – it either supports our dark time activities or it makes them difficult and unsafe. Helsinki emphasizes the urgent need to solve problems that children and young people have in the dark periods of the day and the year. The improvement of lighting is one tool in creating safer and more secure environment for all ages, but specially for the inhabitants under 18. A certain small square in the urban renewal area in the east of Helsinki is most often described as “horrifying”, or “better always to avoid passing through”. At the edge of this problematic square there is the popular local youth center and a library. Our project develops the means to listen to the true experts of this neighborhood – the young and the local actors – and based on this knowledge build better urban lighting. This project is part of a pilot that begun in March 2024. With the name of this project district is Kontula, translatable as “Home” or “Homestead”, we aim to improve the surrounding so that it would better match its name!

Seoul Light 2024

by In-Kyu Choi, Director-General of Design Policy Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government

This is an announcement about the lighting and design policies that the Seoul Metropolitan Government is making. Three themes will be presented: 1. Seoul color and light, 2. Seoul festival light and 3. Light as companionship.

Nordic way of accepting darkness

by Elisa Hilgen, Lighting Coordinator, City of Jyväskylä

This is an announcement about the lighting and design policies that the Seoul Metropolitan Government is making. Three themes will be presented: 1. Seoul color and light, 2. Seoul festival light and 3. Light as companionship.

Green Istanbul: Reviving tradition by envisioning a sustainable future

by Yasin Çagatay SEÇKİN, Advisor of Mayor, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

Istanbul, with its rich culture, is as intriguing and historically significant as it is energetic and contemporary. Located on two continents, Istanbul has been the capital of two strong empires for sixteen centuries, Eastern Roman and Ottoman. Its cultures and traditions blend East and West, Mediterranean and Anatolian.

The city’s growth was primarily fueled by the building of electricity infrastructure, which promoted industrialization and urbanization. Today, Istanbul is one of the world’s megacities, with a population of 20 million. Istanbul is a crossroads of ideas, with a multicultural touch and a vibrant environment anchored in humanity’s past while looking forward.

Green Istanbul, founded in 2019, takes the responsibility and challenges to operate the metropolis through an innovative approach to municipal governance that seeks to develop city infrastructure by recovering tradition while envisioning a sustainable future.

Photo credits
© City of Los Angeles; © Toni Pallari; © Photinus-Schréder; © Alcaldía de Medellín; © City of Helsinki; © Jiri Halttunen; © City of Istanbul