City under Microscope Glasgow


Wednesday 11 November

16:30 – 19:00: Executive Committee meeting (for LUCI EC members only)
19:00 – 21:00: Welcome drinks and exhibition opening – Radiance Reflected 

An exhibition that explains the origins of the approach to lighting in the City, and how this has evolved over time. It reflects the influence of the development of LUCI and Glasgow’s role as a founding member.

21:00: Walking lighting trail in the city centre

This tour will offer participants the opportunity to see some of the permanent, and temporary, lighting installations in and around the vibrant City Centre.

Thursday 12 November

08:30 – 09:00: Registrations & Coffee
09:00 – 09:10: Opening of the City under Microscope
09:10 – 10:20: Transforming the city: steam to green

Glasgow has transformed from a City dependent on heavy industry to one which aspires to be one of the most sustainable cities around.

  • Introducing a world class city by Tom Turley

Following years of investment in regeneration, Glasgow is once more a global force boasting truly world class assets. Tom will show that light has often been a signal for regeneration in the City.

  • Setting the scene – street lighting infrastructure by George Gillespie

As well as explaining the hard facts of the outdoor lighting infrastructure in Glasgow George will touch on the work that has been done to develop new city management approaches through considering data and carbon management.

  • Let there be light by Professor Martin Hendry

International Year of Light 2015 celebrates the impact of light on science, technology and culture and marks 150 years since the ground-breaking discoveries of James Clerk Maxwell. Professor Hendry will explore the role of James Clerk Maxwell’s remarkable work on the role of light, and how it underpins our modern world.

10:20 – 10:50: Coffee break
10:50 – 12:00: Planning the economic growth of the city

The continuous, and sustainable, economic growth of Glasgow requires focus and planning. The city has unique partnerships that include businesses, academics, and the public sector to allow it to flourish.

  • Growing a green economy by Bailie Elizabeth Cameron

Glasgow aspires to be one of the world’s best cities, excelling in a select number of growth sectors. 2015 is Glasgow’s Year of Green and supporting low carbon industries is one of those sectors. Bailie Cameron will explore the role that this has in the future development of the City, and how partnerships have created new understanding so that the City can be responsive to change.

  • Light and technology and its role in the growth of the economy in Glasgow by Simon Smith

Innovation matters: Simon will focus on the way in which the City is seeking to specifically support the role of light and technology through innovation and business growth.

  • Getting ahead of change : City Centre Strategy by Jane Laiolo

The City Centre is a key driver in the economy of Glasgow, and of Scotland. Jane will explain the ambitious strategy and action plan that has been developed to ensure that the City Centre maintains its vibrancy and importance. Plans for the public realm, including lighting, underpin the approach.

12:00 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – 14:30: People make Glasgow… Light up!
People make Glasgow the city that it is today. Different people with different perspectives and talents make the city the diverse and interesting place that people enjoy living and working in, and visiting.

  • Beaming Glasgow across the world by Joe Aitken

Glasgow is steadily building its global presence, particularly as a destination. People make Glasgow and Joe will explain how the lighting of the City has underpinned the image that can be projected across the world.

  • Local people make local places by Heather Claridge

Lighting for communities has been a core objective of Glasgow’s lighting strategy. Heather and Cathy will give examples of the different projects, and approaches that have resulted in creative and innovative local projects, which are now part of the fabric of the City.

  • Light in Motion 2012-15 by Angus Farquhar

A short history of Glasgow arts company NVA’s mass choreography of endurance runners and cyclists for the Olympics and Tour de France using 100 specially designed, remotely-activated and programmable light suits.

  • LightLinks II – Glasgow and Buffalo City partnership by Iain MacCrae

LUCI, Thorn, Concepteurs Lumieres sans Frontieres (CLSF), Glasgow and Buffalo City in South Africa worked together on LightLinks II. Getting an international perspective on decision making for public lighting for communities in developing countries has been the purpose of the LightLinks programme. This presentation will discuss some of the issues encountered in delivering this ambition.

14:30 – 15:00: Coffee break

15:00 – 15:50: Inviting Place to Live: What Next?
The transformation of the city continues with future regeneration projects that create vibrant community spaces for its growing population.

15:50 – 16:40: Resilient City – what does the resilience lens mean for cities?
Glasgow was the first, and only Scottish City to be named in the first round of Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities. What does thinking about light in a Resilient City mean?

16:40 – 18:20: Free time

18:20 – 20:00: See the vision for the Canal in action

NVA’s internationally touring public artwork “Speed of Light” will arrive in Glasgow for the first time with a powerful re-staging of “Ghost Peloton” at the Whisky Bond, home of Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

20:00: Dinner / The Piping Centre

Friday 13 November

08:30 – 09:20: Registrations & Coffee
09:20 – 10:10: Future and Smart City
What does the future hold? How can we be smart about working together through innovation and knowledge and make intelligent choices?

  • Future Cities Demonstrator project by Colin Birchenall

In 2013 Glasgow won funding worth £24m from innovate UK to explore the ways in which technology and data could be used to make life in the city safer, smarter and more sustainable. Colin will give an overview of the demonstrator projects.

  • Street lighting as the enabler for Smarter Cities by Brian McGuigan

In his presentation, Brian will show how cities like Glasgow, Bristol and Copenhagen are innovating city services and infrastructure through intelligent lighting systems.

10:10 – 10:30: LUCI Announcements

10:30 – 11:00: Coffee break

11:00 – 12:00: “Magnifying Glasgow” – Lighting Design Workshop

Lighting design workshop involving informed people in innovation – that’s you! This is where the fun begins. LUCI events are special in bringing together lighting designers, urban planners, policy makers and technical expertise. We enjoy that exchange. How much more fun to really apply that knowledge and see the art of the possible.

  • Why do it this way? Learning from Glasgow’s input to the Liveable Cities programme by Cathy Johnston & Mark van Doorn
  • Workshop brief and site visits to Strathclyde University Campus

A unique opportunity to have hands on experience in designing solutions to real issues encountered in the City, as well as an opportunity to test the objectives of Glasgow’s approach on real sites. Delegates will be divided into multidisciplinary groups that will put learning into practice by coming up with interesting lighting design approaches for 3 sites on the Strathclyde University campus. The winning groups will implement their design concepts on site.

12:00 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – 16:00: Lighting design activity workshops

  • Urban lighting concept design – get those creative thoughts flowing! You will be supported by Glasgow City Council and Philips staff to come up with ideas for realisation.
  • Concept presentation by the teams – there is nothing like a bit of friendly competition to help us learn.
  • Our eminent jury will decide which 3 teams will spend time constructing their showpiece

16:00 – 17:30: Parallel sessions

Three sessions that will run so that you get a chance to see them all:

  • Lighting as the Internet of Things
  • Glasgow’s public lighting since 1780
  • Visit of the City Observatory and intelligent street lighting demonstration

17:30 – 19:30: Free time

19:30 – 20:00: LUCI make Glasgow! Visit of the winning lighting design installations

The constructed designs will become temporary installations for the evening. Come and see the results, and the mark that LUCI delegates have made on our City.

20:00: Dinner

©Glasgow City Council