
Don’t miss the next SMART-SPACE webinar on smart lighting and citizens

The SMART-SPACE project’s second webinar on “The value of smart public lighting for improving the life of citizens” will take place on 29 April 2021.

It will explore some of the different ways in which local inhabitants can be involved in smart lighting and activating public space.

Register here to attend!

This is the second of a series of webinars organised by the SMART-SPACE project. The use of smart public lighting has a large potential for energy efficiency and carbon reduction. The SMART-SPACE project is all about the creation, demonstration, monitoring and evaluation of a smart light system that can be adjusted to the specific needs of different municipalities in the North-West Europe region.

You will learn more about :

  • What could smart public lighting mean for your city?

  • How will it change your cities public lighting policy?

  • How to engage citizens and stakeholders in the design and the evaluation of the public lighting?

Save the date also for SMART-SPACE Webinar 3 : Thursday 3 June 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 (CET)
Creating a smart light system: lessons learned from the SMART-SPACE project


SMART-SPACE, is a European project aiming to facilitate the uptake of smart lighting in small and mid-size municipalities. The three-year project, funded by INTERREG North West Europe (NWE), brings together cities and innovation stakeholders (research institutes, SMEs, enterprises).

The project aims to facilitate the uptake of smart public lighting with high energy saving potential in mid- and small size municipalities to make the move towards energy-efficient, sustainable and demand-oriented municipalities across NWE.

More details on the SMART-SPACE website here

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