©City of Gothenburg



Urban lighting in Gothenburg

Gothenburg currently has a lighting system consisting of approx. 97,000 points of light. It is mostly street lighting, but also park and playground lighting spread across the city.

Since 2013, the city has continuously worked on energy efficiency and modernization of street lighting by replacing light sources with LEDs and implementing an overall control system. This has, until today, halved the energy consumption in the facility.

Since 2022, light has also been included as a natural tool in the regulated urban planning, which declares: “Lighting in Gothenburg shall support a living, safe and equal city where light must function as a natural part of, and contribute to the experience of the form, function and atmosphere of the urban space while simultaneously the various characteristic parts of the city are strengthened.”

  • Number of lighting points: 97 000

Gothenburg in LUCI


Member of LUCI since 2002


Executive Committee member since 2012

  • President of LUCI I Represented by Johan Nyhus, Deputy Mayor of Gothenburg I 2014-2016
  • Treasurer I 2019-2020

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in the LUCI HUB

Photo credits
©City of Gothenburg