©City of Eindhoven


The Netherlands

Urban lighting in Eindhoven

When Eindhoven use light, they do this consciously and with care, to contribute as best as possible to road safety, social safety and to create the desired atmosphere and experience for people with flora and fauna in mind.

The city customize to apply light in the right place and deploy the right technology at the right time, such as the use of light sensors. This makes it possible to tailor its lighting to the location and the needs of the location, which can differ from moment to moment.

  • Number of lighting points: 56 544

  • Creative lighting in Eindhoven:

Eindhoven in LUCI


Member of LUCI since 2005


Executive Committee

  • Voting member I 2012-2026
  • 1st Vice President I Represented by Mary-Ann Schreurs, Deputy Mayor of Eindhoven I 2014-2016
  • President I Represented by Mary-Ann Schreurs, Vice Mayor of Eindhoven I 2016-2018
  • Honorary member I Mary-Ann Schreurs I Since 2019


Participated in LUCI’s:

LUCI Members can get more
in the LUCI HUB

Photo credits
©City of Eindhoven; ©DeWerf, Norbert Vanonna; ©Verse Beeldwaren, Geertjan Cornelissen & Nancy Ostermann