Dakar is the capital of Senegal, in West Africa. It’s an Atlantic port on the Cap-Vert peninsula.
Its traditional Médina quarter is home to the Grande Mosquée, marked by a towering minaret. The Musée Théodore Monod displays cultural artifacts including clothing, drums, carvings and tools. The city’s vibrant nightlife is inspired by the local mbalax music.
Number of inhabitants: 3 540 000
Urban lighting in Dakar
Public lighting is a strategic priority for sustainable development for Dakar. The municipality has been constantly improving its urban lighting over the years and the number of lighting points in Dakar has increased from 19 000 to 40 000 from 2002 to 2017.
Number of lighting points: 40 000
Dakar in LUCI
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Photo credits
©City of Dakar; ©Abdoulaye NDAO layeprocom